Thursday, March 20, 2008

The tackiest cake I have done

I promised myself that I would never do a fountain cake. Never!! Well, you know what they say about never saying never. This was a unique cake in so many respects. The bride was marrying someone whose beliefs don't allow them to eat eggs. Well, who knew you could make an eggless chocolate cake. I don't think anyone had, because nobody she had contacted about making a cake for her would do it. She found a recipe for an eggless chocolate cake, so I said I would give it a try. Well, dilemma number two: no eggs meant no meringue based buttercream. I would have to do the butter and powedered sugar thing. Ugh. That icing is so hard to work with in smoothing it out on a cake cause it gets crusty so fast. This cake was the bane of my existence while doing it, but it turned out pretty well. The whole construction of the stairs and fountains was a pain too, but alas we got it worked out. So here is an eggless chocolate wedding cake with a fountain. I hope to never do another one.

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